b'writing and asking organizations to support What did you learn from doing this, andthe fundraiser event. Also, it was not easy what are your future goals?wrappingeachbasketwithmyhusband Im learning that theres many people whoevery night and making sure everyone at the havebeenaected whetherthemselves,event was happy.family, or friendsby this disability. EveryoneWhat advice would you give to others who was so thankful that I was doing this event,are trying to give back? they were very helpful in supporting it bygiving a donation.Even a little is a lot! You will not know how My goal is to try and help someone lesssuccessful something can be until you try. My fortunate than me, and for them to get thefundraiser started out at a community day support without more stress in their life. Havingwith ve baskets. After all was said and done, MS is hard enough, and I am blessed to be inI had more than 100 baskets. We received this state of health right now to help someoneitems donated by famous artists, businesses, who is being aected more severely. I enjoyand friends. I was overwhelmed from all of what I do, I know the great cause it went to,the support that we received. It was amazing! and I like knowing who it helps and how.Considering Organizing a Local Fundraiser?Team MS FOCUS: Friends, Family, Co-Workers and YouA Winning Combination for SuccessJoin community members across the country dedicated to raising much-needed funds for expanding the MultipleSclerosis Foundations programs and services through local events. Share your ideas whether large or small. Well alsoshow you what has successfully worked for others. Help make a difference in peoples lives and have fun doing it. Contact: Rob Beasley at 800-225-6495 or email rbeasley@msfocus.org.39 msfocusmagazine.org'