b'Life with MSMMaakkeeCChhaannggeessoorrSSeettGGooaallssttooGGeettRReessuullttssWhenever we think of changes or goals, endresult.Surroundyourselfwithpeoplethere is the possibility that we can get over- who are supportive and have a positive attitudewhelmedeither at the sheer volume of ideas, about making changes. Your family and friendsthe number of things we want to do, or guring can be a great resource of encouragementout how to get it done. and accountability while you are working onChanges and goals are more manageable your goals. Support groups are another sourcewhen you take them one step at a time. Think of community and encouragement, and canthrough exactly what you are hoping to provide an environment for you to share youraccomplish,look at what you can do to make successes and perhaps your challenges, aswellasgetfeedbackfromotherswhoareit happen, then chunk it down into bite-size going through similar things. pieces. Also, think of how you work. Make MS Focus is also a great resource for articlessure the plans you create to reach your goals and information you may need, whether fromare things you will enjoy doing while taking our magazine website, msfocusmagazine.org,the action to achieve your results.or through books and DVDs from our LendingWhen you want to make changes and set Library.goals, making note of your progress along the Wehopethatyoufeelinspiredandway is important to maintaining balance and empoweredtosetgoalsandmakethekeeping on the track you need to get to your changes you are ready to achieve. Please welcome these newly aliated groups:Anchorage Evening MS Support Group, Anchorage, AlaskaAnd Now Lunch! Mens Group, Saint Paul, Minn.Aurora Colorado MS Support Group, Aurora, Colo.Boca Raton Regional Hospital MS Support Group, Boca Raton, Fla.Downtown Orlando A.N.T.S., Orlando, Fla.Greenwich MS Support Group, Salem, N.Y.Just Breakfast Mens Group, Minneapolis, Minn.Moving Steadily MS Support Group, Pensacola, Fla.MS Warriors Support Group, Cartersville, Ga.St. Anthony and New Brighton MS Support Group, MinneapolisPlease visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates,times, and locations or to nd the support group nearest you.msfocusmagazine.org 46'