b'Cooling Program conceived to assist with small auto repairs andThe rst of our two cyclical services, the paratransit fees. In 2019, after a successfulCooling Program is open from Feb. 1 through pilot program, we teamed up with Lyft andJune 1. The most popular requests from this Uber to provide travel to-and-from infusionsgrant are cooling vests, but we can offer a and doctor appointments. Applications arevariety of cooling items, including hats, neck accepted year round.wraps, and wristbands. Applications are only Healthcare Assistance Grantaccepted during the open period. This grant exists to assist people withoutComputer Program medical insurance. Through the HealthcareWith the growth of the Internet during the Assistance Grant, MS Focus can help coverpast 10 years, nding help and support is the the cost of visiting an MS specialist (plus afollow-upconsultation),butcanalsohelpeasiest it has ever been. When you go online, with dental services. Unfortunately, the grantyoucanlearnaboutMSandsymptom does not cover MRIs or any other scanningmanagement,requestassistancefroma procedures. Applications are accepted yearnonprofit, find a healthcare provider, or round.participate in an online support group. However Health and Wellness Grantmany people lack the means to use theInternet. Through the Computer Program, we One of our oldest grants was designed tocan provide you with a new computer, so that help people with MS maintain physicalyou can access a wealth of information, and activityinagroupsettingwithtrainedassistance that the Internet can offer. professionals. From aquatics to yoga, with aApplications are accepted year round. little horseback riding thrown in, the HealthandWellnessGrantisfundingprogramsBrighter Tomorrow Grant across the country that will encourage you toThe second of our cyclical services, the getactive.IncaseswheregroupsessionsBTG is open from June 1 through Sept. 1 and arent available, the grant can even help fundoers applicants the opportunity to make a individual activities.wish. Through this grant, people can re- The needs of the MS community are alwaysquest items or services not covered by one of on our minds, and those needs are constantlyour other programs or grants. Popular re- changing and adjusting. So, MS Focus remainsquests are beds, household appliances, and diligent in assessing and adapting to thosehobby supplies. All applications require an changes. During the past 33 years, we haveessay and are only accepted during the open developed, expanded, and revamped almostperiod. every one of our programs and grants, keepingTransportation Program our ngers on the pulse of the MS community.For more information about, or to applyThis program has gone through several big for, any of our programs and grants, visitchanges over the years, most recently in 2019. msfocus.org/Get-Help or call our NationalThe Transportation Program was originally Toll-Free Support Line at 888-673-6287.51 msfocusmagazine.org'