b'Life with MSFatigue-Free FoodieEEvvaassSSwweeeettPPoottaattooaannddCCaarrrroottSSoouuppAs mentioned in our Inbox column, MS Focus Magazine reader, Eva Myrick, shared thisrecipe for a simple, rich pureed soup. Packed with ber, iron, and potassium this dish is avorfuland nutritious. And its easy to makethere is only one vegetable to peel and chop. In somestores, you may even be able to buy a prechopped sweet potato, making this a truly fatigue-freerecipe. Ingredients1 large sweet potato1 package of baby carrots2 cans of broth(Eva recommends chicken broth,but vegetable broth will work too)Instructions: Peel and chop the sweet potato into large chunks. Add the sweet potatoand carrots to the slow cooker or a pot and add enough broth to cover. For a slow cooker, cook for 6-8 hours on low. Or on the stove, bring to aboil, then reduce heat to simmer. Simmer for 60-90 minutes, untilvegetables are soft. Next, place the mixture into a blender and puree.Add more broth to thin, if needed. Serve.Tips from the Fatigue-Free FoodieSpice it up! This soup makes a versatile base that works well with many dierent avor palettes. Addin your favorite seasoning and open up a new world of taste. You can add onion, garlic, orother avoring vegetables during the cooking of the vegetables, or stir in powdered or liquidseasonings after serving. Add a sprinkle of garam masala for a taste of India. Try a touch of ginger and garlic, or alittle Five Spice powder for an Asian are. Just a dash of Thai chili powder or sriracha willbring the heat. Use a light hand to begin with, and add more if desired.Have a favorite fatigue-free recipe to share? Send it to editor@msfocus.org.msfocusmagazine.org 58'