b"Dear MS Focus,I have written a recipe book for those ofus with MS who are unable to swallow. Myrecipes are all liqueed. I use a blender, aslow cooker, and a straw. My recipes are easyto put together. I have included a few of myfavorite recipes with this letter.Please, if you know anyone who has troubleHi, Editor, swallowing, let me know. Ill mail them a bookI am wondering if it would be a good idea for free. I want people to enjoy food again.to put something on the outside door knob Taste is what counts.that says you have MS and it takes you a long Sincerely,time to answer the door. This way, you don't Eva Myrickhave to worry about rushing to answer the Kalamazoo, Mich.door. Dear Eva,Thank you so much for your time, Thank you for your kind oer. We will beJames Harmon, happy to forward you the addresses of anyonevia email who would like your recipes sent to them.Hi James, Our readers can email editor@msfocus.orgwith the request, or reach us at the mailingThank you for sharing this useful suggestion. address on the back cover of this magazine.Today, you can have nearly everything you need Please include the subject line Request forconveniently delivered right to your home. Evas Recipes.Thats wonderful for people with mobility issues, Swallowing problems are common in MS.but it can also create a bit of an increased fall Studies show that as many as half of all peoplerisk if you are always rushing to answer the with MS experience some difficulty indoor. While some have money to spend on swallowing, a symptom called dysphagiahigh-tech solutions like cameras and intercoms, (pronounced dis-FAY-juh). Dysphagia occursfor most of us a far more practical solution is more frequently in advanced stages of MS,paper and pen.although it can occur at any time during theYou can post a simple note along the lines disease course. If a person is experiencingofWelcomevisitors(butnotsolicitors)! even intermittent swallowing problems, it isPlease allow extra time for me to answer the wise to consult a specialist, as dysphagia candoor. MS slows me down, but it doesnt stop be among the more dangerous MS symptoms.me! Thank youfor yourpatience.If your Its risks include choking and aspiration (thedoor is exposed to the elements, you may inhalation of food or liquids into the lungs),need to have the note laminated (something which can lead to pneumonia. most places that make photocopies can do Swallowing problems are typically treatedfor you inexpensively) or replace it regularly, by a speech-language pathologist. An SLPbut this quick x will allow you to slow down can evaluate your swallowing problems toand get to the door safely. determineiftheproblemoriginateswith9 msfocusmagazine.org"