b"Financial help can include a CPA if needed Segaloff noted that U.S. Sen. Elizabethto do your taxes. Financial help can also Warren wrote a book on the topic of personalinclude an attorney who specializes inhelping nances, All Your Worth: The Ultimate Life-those with health needs, which is really timeMoneyPlan.Sheadvocatedfortheimportant for a person and family dealing 50/30/20 rule: 50 percent of personalwith MS. nancesdevotedtonecessities(e.g.,rent,S electricity), 30 percent for disposable items,SaavviinnggffoorraarraaiinnyyddaayyNobody wants surprises. Saving as much and the remaining 20 percent for savings.as possible is crucial, because something Many people, especially those with seriousalways comes up that wasnt included in the health conditions, have high expenses andnancial planning.dont have the 20 percent to put away intoWhen addressing the commonplace rule savings. Segalo said, Put away whateverof thumb that people should have $400 set youcan,butdoputawaysomething. Youaside for an emergency, he said, There is no have to put something in savings. And every-set rule to put $400 away. Its very dicult for one is unique. some people.What is one small chanEe you made thathas improved your quality of life with MS?Kaye Horton: Letting things go. Stress, worries, negativity. MS will drag you down, but finding onepositive thing, no matter what it is, and just letting all the negative go has helped so much. I've foundthat what causes my are-ups is stress so it's been a huge relief to just be able to let it all go and it'slike a physical weight has left.Cherie Binns: Taking all sugar not naturally occurring in food out of my diet. Huge impact on pain andenergy.Kris Weeks: Ive dropped 12 medications and replaced them with medical marijuana to combatside effects of multiple sclerosis.Barn Barnabas: Actually, a huge change for me personally but others may see it as smallsurrenderingto and putting God rst. In doing this I have begun seeking His will for me rst and this has led me tostop believing the lie I was telling myself that my worth was based on what I could do. This lie grew fearin me, fear that I was a burden and would be abandoned by people I care about most. Putting God rsthas put an end to that lie and has allowed me to be vulnerable, honest and real.Lori Simmons Carlton: This may seem a huge change for some, but not to me. I had an InterStim puton my bladder. Life changer! Melody Abbott: Kept my sense of humor.17 msfocusmagazine.org"