b'is equivalent to the amount that can t inside your hand. Contrary to popular belief, carbs arenot the enemy. They are a necessity to our central nervous system, as they add fuel to our bodies.However, they become the enemy when we lose sight of portion control.Nov. 7 - Gainesville, Fla.Nutrition: The Relationship Between You and Your BodyWe returned to Gainesville for the nal quarterly event of the year, co-headlined by CarleyRusch, MS, RDN, LDN, and Tirisham Gyang, M.D. They both discussed the important role thatnutrition plays in life with MS.The best diet for MS is the one thatworks for you and your individual needs.Everyone has dierent concerns andpreferences. We dont treat MS the sameover the course of someones life andnutrition should not be approached thesame either. Thats why it is important towork with your healthcare team and aregistered dietitian nutritionist to ndthe best diet for you.41 msfocusmagazine.org'