b'MS Focus ActivitiesRead. Watch. Listen.The Unexpected Journey of Caring:The Transformation from Loved Oneto Caregiverby Donna Thomson and Zachary WhiteIn The Unexpected Journey of Caring, Thomson and Whiteexplore the changes that occur when a person goes from being aloved one to a caregiver, and how to untangle the complicatedfeelings that accompany the transition. They share caregiverexperiences and practical advice, without ever being preachy.Use this guide to help you become your own kind of caregiver.256 pp. $30.00msfocus.us/Winter20ReadThe Power of Nutrition, Healing From WithinNilou Minaei, RDN, LDN, MSL, and Director of Food and Nutrition at the Universityof Florida Health North in Jacksonville, Fla., reminds MS patients that a properdiet can aid in ghting o symptoms.msfocus.us/Winter20WatchLets Find Better Days PodcastMSFocus is launching the Lets Find Better Days Podcast. Our podcast will focuson whats happening at MS Focus and how we can help you. We will also haveguests and special features about the programs and services provided by MS Focus. Look forupdates about the podcast on msfocus.org, or tune in to msfocusradio.org.27 msfocusmagazine.org'