b'MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:Basket Fundraiserfor MS AwarenessAfter reading MS Focus Magazine, Traci give back nancially, I would help fundraiseCeras, diagnosed with MS at the age of 21, to give back to other people who needed helpdecided to do a fundraiser for MS Focus: the as I did.Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. After months I saw a fundraising ad in the MS Focusof asking for donations, and with the support magazine. I contacted Rob Beasley and heof friends, family, and strangers, she raised helped to provide me with all of the resourcesmore than $12,000. In the past, Traci held that I needed for the fundraiser event.basket raes for other organizations, however,never a cause so close to her heart. She said, How did your plan to give back work?I felt so good knowing this money will help I went around to local community leaders,everyone affected by this disability. I am restaurants, businesses, and friends to ask ifstarting to collect for a 2020 basket rae, and they would support the MS basket rafflealready did my second fundraiser this past fundraiser by making a donation. I explainedDecember, in which I raised more than $250! that I was raising money to support MS Focus,Traci describes herself as a happily and how the Foundation has helped me, andmarried homemaker with my husband Joe helps to improve the quality of life for peopleand daughter Kayla. Her husband is her with MS.biggest supporter. When it comes to getting This opportunity allowed me to get outan idea to fundraise, he supports her any way there in the community and share my personalhe can. She also has a great family andfriends who support the idea.MS story with others. In response, manyWhat inspired you to help people with MS? decided to support the fundraiser event bygiving money, as well as donating items andAfter having MS myself for more than 20 venue space to host the event. To my surprise, theyears, and knowing the diculty I had endured outpouring of support was amazing. I was ablenancially some points in my life, I learned to surpass my goal of 100 baskets raed o.about MS Focus and requested for assistance. What was the most challenging partThey came through and helped me to replace of this project?my electric scooter when my basement wasooded. I could not aord to purchase another I think the most challenging part wasscooter.MSFocuswasrighttherewhenI travelling to several towns on my own, stayingneeded support. I decided because I couldnt up and working late nights, sending emails,msfocusmagazine.org 38'