b'Medicine & ResearchRX Update condition, and a registration with the state toobtain a medical marijuana card.Cannabis itself is made up of severalMedical Marijuana in MS dierent components. One of the groups ofchemical compounds in cannabis is knownCannabis may be an option for as cannabinoids, which bind to cannabinoidthose who live in states where receptors in the body and change the wayit is legal for medicinal purposes neurotransmitters release in the brain. CBD,or cannabidiol, is the major nonpsychotropicBy Ellen Whipple, Pharm.D. cannabinoidinmarijuana,andisusuallyThough marijuana has existed for hundreds found in concentrations of less than 1 percentof years, research into its clinical properties in the naturally grown plant. THC, or tetra-and potential medicinal uses has only begun to hydrocannabinol, is the most psychoactivetake shape in the last 20 years. Several recent component of cannabis, and can be found instudies have investigated the potential use for concentrations anywhere from 1 to 24 percent.medical marijuana in spasticity and pain Mostcannabis-derivedmedicationsbeingassociated with multiple sclerosis. Many people developed now are synthetic THC compounds,with MS are unable to nd consistent relief from though several do include CBD. these symptoms using traditional medications In December 2018, federal law was slightlyand cannabis may be an option for those who altered to remove hemp from the denitionlive in states where it has been legalized of cannabis which is classied as a Schedule Ifor medicinal purposes. A 2017 survey of product. Hemp is considered to be anyindividuals with MS found that 47 percent of cannabis-containing plant or substance thatrespondents had considered using medical is less than 0.3 percent THC. This new billmarijuana to alleviate MS symptoms. determinedthattheseproductswouldnolonger be considered a controlled substance.What is medical marijuana? MostwidelyavailableCBDoilsarehempMedical marijuana is another name for products, which is what allows them to sell inmedical cannabis. At the federal level in the U.S., the majority of states. To date, no clinicalthe DEA classies cannabis as a Schedule I evidence has shown benet of using CBD oilssubstance, which means that there are no for MS symptomscurrently accepted medical uses, a lack of Side Eects/Safetyrobust safety data, and a high potential for As with any medication, there are certainabuse. However as of July 2019, 33 states and side eects associated with the use of medicalthe District of Columbia have passed legislation marijuana. Some of the most common sidelegalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal eects include mental confusion, dizziness,purposes. Officials in these states cannot sedation, increased appetite, and dry mouthofficially prescribe cannabisbecause of or eyes. Other side eects may include vomiting,its Schedule I status, but they can write a anxiety, impaired balance and coordination,recommendation for its use in certain conditions. headaches, or elevated heart rate. Side eectsEach states procedures are slightly dierent, may vary depending on the dosage andbut most require a physician recommendation, route of administration. Since most medicalthorough documentation of a qualifying medical marijuana research is extremely recent, themsfocusmagazine.org 56'