b'Life with MSTTiippssffoorrTToottaallHHeeaalltthhBy Megan WeigelN reservingthebedroomforsleepandsex.Nuuttrriittiioonn::Itsimportanttomaximizeplant-based Start a calming bedtime routine that includescolorfulwholefoodsandwater;minimize a gratitude journal, a meditation exercise, orprocessed foods, sugar, rened grains and prayer. Afraid to meditate because you dontsugar-sweetened beverages. Shop according know where to start? Many of the free smartto the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen (www.ewg.org/ phone and tablet apps have short meditationsfoodnews) when choosing organic produce to made for sleep. Minimize your screen time atsave money; buy in bulk and freeze produce least an hour before bed, avoid eating dinnerwhen it is on sale to save money.or snacking late, and watch your caeine andalcohol intake. While many people use alcoholE because they think it helps them sleep, itExxeerrcciissee::Maximize your potential by choosing the actually impairs your sleep efficiency. Trybest time of day to move and types of movement chamomile tea instead!you enjoy! Use cooling equipment and drink SSttrreessssMMaannaaggeemmeenntt::cool uids while exercising. Try your best to Reducing stress can help you meet smallmove your body daily, choosing shorter duration goalsinothercategories.Includetimeforand less intensity if you need to on some days. mindfulness, meditation, and/or prayer eachAvoid exercising when you are overtired or day. Make time for important relationships,dehydrated.but also learn to say no so you have time forEnvironment: yourself. Maximize your spoons! If you areEnvironment:Youcanmaximizetheenvironments not familiar with the Spoon Theory, it is ainuence by decorating with colors that are great way to explain your energy level andpleasing tothe eye, diusing essential oils to reserves to people unfamiliar with MS.help with anxiety (like lavender, bergamot) or Basically, you start the day with a certainpain (peppermint), and playing pleasing music. number of spoons. Activities use up spoons;Begintochoosenaturalandcleanbeauty housework may use up four, while runningproducts. Get a daily dose of sunshine. Eliminate errands may use 10. If you only have 15 spoonsharm from the environment by minimizing each day, and you want to go see a moviethe use of single use plastics, containers with withyourpartneratnightthatusesfourBPA and phthalates, and exposure to harsh spoons,thenyoushouldntdohouseworkchemicals.CheckouttheEnvironmental and run errands in the same day! Its a greatWorkingGroups website, www.ewg.org,to visual and helps to put things in perspectivegrade the health of the products you use on while you meet daily goals and conserve energy.your body and in your home.PrioritizeyourneedsthiswayinordertoS minimize your fear of missing out. Finally,Slleeeepp:: avoid toxic relationships and runaway thoughtsMaximize your sleep hygiene routine by that dont create a positive attitude. msfocusmagazine.org 18'