b'S exercise because you love to dance; or startingSeettttiinnggGGooaallssCCaannI mpprroovveeWWeellllbbeeiinngg withnutritionbecauseyourprimarycareIm physician has noticed your blood sugar isThere is so much information available to getting higher and it is a necessity thatus these days thatmakes it hard to decide motivates you. This will allow you to realizewhere to start when it comes to improving your success that will keep you going. Then, movehealth. Should you focus on nutrition? Exercise? on to the next category. You are prioritizing! Stress reduction? What ifit isnt possible to If goal-setting is a challenge for you,commit to all of these changes every day considermakinganappointmentwithabecause of the way your symptoms uctuate? counselor or a life coach to help you. Your MSDoes that mean you are a failure? Absolutely provider may be able to give you a goodnot! Lets look at an easy and manageable referral. With time, small changes in theseway to set some goals that will improve your areas of health and wellness can mean bighealth and your sense of well-being. dierences. The dierences may be positiveIf you arent sure where to begin, choose a changes in your MS symptoms, your overallcategory in which you know you can succeed sense of well-being, or even an improvementinmaximizingpositivesandminimizing in other problematic medical conditions.negatives. Examples would be starting with Take charge and make a change today!MAXIMIZE MINIMIZENUTRITION Plant-based, colorful, whole foods Processed foods, sugar, renedWatergrainsSoda, sugar-sweetened beveragesMOVEMENT Your best time of day for exercise Exercising when overtired orTypes of movement that bring dehydratedyou joyENVIRONMENT Your senses with color, essential Use of single use plastics, oils, music containers with BPA andNatural body products Exposure to harsh or toxicchemicalsSLEEPUse of your bedroom for sleep Screen time at nightand sex onlyEating dinner or snacking lateA calming bedtime routine STRESS REDUCTION Time for mindfulness, meditation, Fear of missing outand/or prayer Toxic relationshipsTime for important relationships Runaway thoughts that dontTime for you serve a positive attitudeYour spoons*PRIORITIZE: Which of these rows are easiest for you, or what are you most motivated tochange? Start there and set manageable and achievable goals for the others!* Google Spoon Theory, or see butyoudontlooksick.com19 msfocusmagazine.org'