b"Those diagnosed with RRMS may eventually transition to a fourth category:Secondary-Progressive (SPMS)Begins with an RMS classication that becomes consistentlyprogressive and includes more frequent relapses with minor remission. Loss of physicaland mental function are accumulated without recovery between attacks.Over time, healthcare providers will monitor whether a persons classication changes andmay describe the state of the persons MS with these terms: ActiveExperiencing relapses of neurological symptoms, or has new or enlarginglesions visible on MRI. Inactive/StableNo apparent relapse or progression is noted. WorseningExperiencing an increase in neurological dysfunction or disability as a resultof either relapses or progression.In describing which treatments are eective, these categories may be grouped together.Relapsing forms of MS (RMS)is a category that may include CIS, RRMS, and active SPMS.Progressive forms of MS (PMS) is a category that includes inactive/worsening SPMS and PPMS. What is one small chanEe you made thathas improved your quality of life with MS?Jennifer Newbery Shelton: I stopped carrying around a heavy purse. I either just bring my wallet insideplaces or take stu out of purse to lighten it. Sounds silly, but it has helped with neck, arm, and back pain.Teresa Sullivan: Mine was having to learn that I am a new me versus the old me as far as being ableto do things. Once I stepped back and took the time to realize this, I was able to accept it and live withmore comfort. Now I still workout but not as hard as I used to. I don't push myself as hard to get thingsdone. It may take me two days instead of one. I have learned to listen to my body and not be soheadstrong. It denitely takes a little bit, it's not always easy, but it is so worth it. Make goals that youcan achieve and believe in yourself. You are your own worst enemy and it's all about mindset.Heather Jones: Appreciate the good days when they occur. Live in the moment the days I am able tobe active and/or outside, participate with family, and enjoy life, even though its not the life I had priorto MS.Shannon Beardsley: Going back to work after two years, I felt it would be impossible, but I'm loving everyminute of it. I love having extra money for my family, it's created more independence in my life and lessstrain on my marriage. My husband was the single provider for two years, and while he did it and nevercomplained, I know it was wearing him down. I love being out in the world again and feeling thoselittle accomplishments and achievements at work. I'm thriving and I never thought I would be able towork again. I only work part-time, but it's been a huge blessing in my life.35 msfocusmagazine.org"