b'Sticking to an Exercise Program 12I Advice from a tness expert on how small changes can make a big dierencewhen it comes to tness for people with MS.Small Changes can Improve Mobility, Independence14N Body movement, weight loss are just a few of the changes you can make. 16Healthy Finances Crucial to Living Well with MSPlanning, saving, and making choices put you in control. Tips for Total Health 18T Tips from a nurse practitioner specializing in neurological care. 20Make Self-Care Your GoalMake whatever you intend to do fun and intentional.H Five Small Changes Can Make Big Dierences 22in Your RelationshipsI Make the most of what you, your spouse, and friends can do together. 24 From Our WebsiteHelpful answers to questions you may have about MS. S Diaphragm Pacemakers Improve the Quality of Life 28 for People With MSThis can be a safe and eective way of providing respiratory support. Suicide and MS 32Suicide rates in people living with multiple sclerosis are two to four timesI higher than the general population. 34 Progressive MS DayS Share your stories or show your support on social media using the 36hashtag #ProgressiveMSDay.Managing Drug DependencyS How do we protect ourselves from developing a drug dependency? 44 Simple Technology to Make Life EasierCommunication, entertainment and smart homes at your ngertips.U A Brief Guide to the Programs and Services of MS Focus 46 50Our Focus 8 EmpoweredInbox9 My Story 48E Read. Watch. Listen. 27 Doctors Notes 52Giving Back 38 RX Update 56Takeaways 40 Fatigue-Free Foodie 58MS Focused 42 Play on Words 597 msfocusmagazine.org'