b'ContributorsChris Benedict is a patient services Cherie Binns has been a registeredDevices. nurse since 1973. In 1994 she wasliaison with Avery Biomedical Heisresponsibleforeducating diagnosed with MS, and receivedprospective new pacemaker patients the MSCN certification nine yearsand interested doctors, facilitating later. For the past 15 years, Cheriecontact for patients with experienced has operated a home-based patientphysicians, working with patients and hospitals to advocacy business helping peoplefacilitate surgery and providing customer service, identify the questions needed to be asked of theirtechnical support and intraoperative testing. healthcare team.Jennifer and Dan Digmann have JoanneFortunato isaretiredlived with MS for more than 30 years. computertechnologyteacherinJennifer was diagnosed in 1997 and Troy, N.Y. Diagnosed in 2006, shehas secondary progressive MS, uses technology to cope with theand Dan was diagnosed in 2000 many difficulties that MS can present.with relapsing-remitting MS. They Contact Joanne at msfocustech101@gmail.com.wrote the book Despite MS, to Spite MS. Ben Thrower is the medical directorHerb Karpatkin is a board-certified of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Instituteneurologic clinical specialist, and at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, anda certified MS clinical specialist. He the senior medical advisor for MSis an assistant professor of physical Focus. He is also a clinical instructortherapy at Hunter College and a of neurology at Emory Universitymedical advisor to MS Focus. and participates actively in clinical research. Megan Weigel is a nurse practitioner specializing in neurological care in JacksonvilleBeach, Fla. She has been a MS-certied nurse since 2005, and an NP for 18 years.She is a yogi, surfer, runner, avid reader, writer, and enjoys her work immensely,especially educating people living with neurological issues and peers about theimportance of wellness as an integral part of treatment.Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor Christine Willis is the Directorwi thMSFocussince2002.Sheisa ofKnowledgeManagementclinicalpharmacistemployedwithin andLearningResourcesatmedical affairs, as a director of medical Shepherd Center in Atlanta.communications, and a clinical assistantprofessor with the University of GeorgiaColleg e of Pharmacy.Michael Zerves received his doctorate in physical therapy from Hunter College in2015, and his board certification in neurologic physical therapy in 2018 through theAmerican Physical Therapy Association. He currently works full-time at NYU RuskRehabilitation at Langone Orthopedic Hospital in New York City. Michael is also anadjunct professor at Hunter Colleges PT program, where he lectures, serves as a labassistant to PT classes, and conducts clinical research on persons with multiplesclerosis alongside Dr. Herb Karpatkin.msfocusmagazine.org 6'