b'MS Focus ActivitiesA Brief Guide tothe Programs and Servicesof MS FocusIn1986,whenMSFocuswasrst living. Thiscoverseverythingfromcanes,founded, our goal was to simply assist people walkers, and wheelchairs to hearing aids, eyewith MS in our local community. After more glasses, and grab-bars. The list of acceptablethan 30 years, our core principal remains the items is constantly growing. Applications aresame, but our audience has shifted from the accepted year round.local stage to a national one, and the types of Emergency Assistance Grantservicesweoerhaveexpandedseveraltimes in order to better respond to the most Emergencies are stressful, but when MS iscurrent needs of the MS community.added into the mix, things can get dangerousCurrently,MSFocushasninedistinct quickly. The EAG oers one-time assistancegroupings of programs and grants. Each one so that you are able to continue living in aof the branches divides into several dierent safe environment. If you have received anservices, giving the MS community dozens eviction notice or a utility shut-o warning,of avenues for many different kinds of we can help cover those payments. Grantassistance. Despite our continued awareness recipients are ineligible to receive this grant aeorts, we regularly meet people in the MS second time. Applications are accepted yearcommunity who dont know about our wide round.range of services. This article will oer you a Homecare Assistance Grantbrief look at each one, so that if you needassistance, or know someone who does, you We can all agree that nearly everythingwill be condent when you say, MS Focus takes more eort when you have MS. Thatscan help! where this grant comes in handy. If you needAssistive Technology Program physical therapy sessions; hygiene services,meal prep, or housekeeping; or if youre aBy far our most popular program, the AT caregiver looking for some respite, this grantprogram oers nancial assistance for devices can help get someone to your house to assistthat can assist you with activities of daily you. Applications are accepted year round.msfocusmagazine.org 50'