b"this is a subject not talked about very often, specialists to help. If not, feel free to call ourbut one suered by numerous persons. I am toll-free helpline (888-673-6287) or emailone of them and afraid to mention it to others, support@msfocus.org for referrals.so I have had to suffer alone. With this Dear MS Focus,information, I am hoping to have the willpowerto speak out to at least my husband, a friend, After reading your article on Support Groupsand my doctor. and Mental Health (Vol. 21, Issue 3), I had toThanks, MS Focus sta and contributors! write you.Teresa M.As an MS patient, I went through theDear Teresa, depression and anxiety after being diagnosedwith MS. It took a few months, but I found aIf we had one goal for the emotional supportgroup.Ineverthoughtthegroupwellness issue, it was to make it clear that would do anything for me, but I was wrong. depression, anxiety, and other mental health After a couple of meetings, my wholeissuescanbeMSsymptoms,andthese outlook and frame of mind was changed. Isymptoms can be helped. To follow that have to say that support groups are a majorthought further, because they are MS symptoms, game changer. There at the monthly meeting,thesemood-relatedissuesarenomorea we talk openly and freely about the diseasecause for shame or embarrassment than any and how our medications are working. It is aother symptoms. You wouldnt feel shame if breath of fresh air.MS made your forearm numb; why shouldyou feel shame if MS makes your feelings Anyonewhohasn'tjoinedasupportnumb? You wouldnt hesitate to talk to your group should seriously look for one. This willdoctor if fatigue made you not want to get out of save more than you realize!bed; why should you hesitate if its depression Thank you,that makes you not want to get out of bed? Frank Tozier While deeply ingrained stigmas can makethese things seem dierent, in MS they originate Dear Frank,from the same source. Thanks for sharing your experience. WeWe are delighted to hear that the issue could not agree more! Our readers can ndmotivated you to reach out for support. Your listings for 200 MS support groups on ourdoctor should be well aware of the emotional website (msfocus.org), or can contact oursymptomsthatcancomewithMS,and Support Groups Program (see page 50) forshould be ready to recommend treatments or help to start their own.Have Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, or use the contact form onwww.msfocus.org.msfocusmagazine.org 10"