b'Life with MSRReevveeaalliinnggYYoouurrMMSSiinntthheeWWoorrkkppllaacceeTo Disclose or Not to Disclose - That is the QuestionBy Brad McDaniels and Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr. Questions about disclosure of a disability important to focus on the skills and techniquesor chronic illness in the workplace, on a job you have used to overcome disability-relatedapplication,orduringajobintervieware work limitations in the past, rather than howamong the most important and potentially difficult it would be for you to perform acomplicated employment concerns for people particular job function. If you are currentlywith MS. The most important thing to keep employed, and your symptoms have begunin mind about this issue is that the decision to interfere with job performance, you mayto disclose your MS to a current or potential want to approach your employer aboutemployer is completely up to you.possible accommodations.You have no legal obligation to disclose How to disclose a disabilityanything about your disability status or Although you do not have to disclose theunderlying diagnosis during a job interview underlying cause of your disability (e.g., MS),unless you require an accommodation for it is important to provide information aboutthe interview itself. A prospective employer the nature of your conditionthat is, thedoes not have the right to inquire about your limitationsinvolvedandtoframeyourdiagnosis, and people with MS and other disability status in functional terms: I am adisabilities are typically encouraged to leave person with a disability, and I have been havingmedical information out of the discussion diculty performing X and Y on my job. I wouldwith a potential employer. like to discuss some ways to accommodate theseDeciding if and when to disclose your disability dicultiessome strategies that will enableThe only time you need to disclose that me to continue to be a productive employee.you are a person with a disability is when you The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)believethat you willneedareasonable providesprotectionsforindividualswithaccommodation to perform one or more of disabilities in the workforce; however, it isthe essential functions of your job. In a job important to note that referencing the ADAinterview, if your condition is not obvious to during discussions with your employer is notyour employer, and you do not foresee the advised. In fact, you should take a win-winneed for accommodations, there is generally approach to on-the-job accommodations, inno need to mention your MS at all.which the employee with MS keeps his or herIf your disability is obvious, and/or if you legal protections out of the dialog with theare certain that you would require on-the-job employer to every extent possible. The bestaccommodations to effectively perform rationale for reasonable accommodations isspecic duties, you may choose to mention that they will help you maintain or enhanceyouraccommodationneedsduringthe your productivity on the job. interview. If you opt for this strategy, it ismsfocusmagazine.org 12'