b'Symptom ManagementBy Chris HudspethMS can cause a variety of cognitive issues, or acupressure over a few therapy sessionssome of which may be experienced years canrelievestressandanxiety.Themorebefore an actual diagnosis, and can even go things going on in our mind, the more ourunrecognized after a diagnosis. One of the most brains have to work to remember things.common cognitive symptoms experienced is Studies using acupuncture and acupressurecommonly known as brain fog.therapy show that once stress and anxiety areBrain fog is a general term for a lack of reduced, even minimally, it allows for moremental clarity and can have a wide range of space to hold onto the things that we needeects, from hindering your ability to think to andwanttoremember,inaquickerandimpairing your short-term memory. People more ecient way. sueringfrombrainfogareoftenatleast Acupuncture and acupressure is not forsomewhat aware that theyre having cognitive everyone. If you are areissues, which, in severe cases, can make you sensitive to touch, maybedisorientated and confused. Thankfully, there amild/lightmassageisare strategies that can assist with reducing all you need to relieve stressbrain fog. Some take a little bit of practice, but and anxiety. Craniosacralothers can be done in a brief moment to help therapy may also be astimulate the brain.good alternative. Every body and brain is dierent. What Breathing and meditationworks for one person, might not work for Meditation and breathing are often theanother, so it might take some time to nd a simplest ways to slow down your mind, sotechnique that works for you. For some, a that your brain is allowed to focus and relievemorning stretch and breathing exercise is how anxietiesthatcanaectcognition. Takingthey start the day o right, while someone deep, mindful breaths gives the brain a literalelse might benet most from a combination of breathoffreshair.Youstrategies. Whatever you try, being proactive dont need to be anywherewith your cognition care is most important, so special,youjustneedtokeep at it until you nd something that helps.breathe. Often, it is when weAcupuncture/acupressure are in stressful situations thatwe need to use our breathStimulating the brain through acupuncture the most. Doctor visits, themsfocusmagazine.org 38'