b"discount code, Homestead Handcrafted will What advice would you give to others whomatchthetotaldiscountedamountanda are trying to give back?check is issued to the nonprot at the end of My advice is to just do it. If you have anevery month. The program runs month after idea in mind, start doing something to makemonth with no limit to the amount the donations it happen. Most people are too afraid to try.can grow. We believe that this program will Life is short. There is no time like the presentenable us to be a small part of something and tomorrow is not promised. much bigger than ourselves and help touch What is your ideal outcome?more lives than we ever could have alone.Why did you choose to work with MS Focus: Our goal is to help as many people as wethe Multiple Sclerosis Foundation? can. MS Focus is our rst partner to join theI knew that I wanted to be able to support Coee Can Program (which I personally ampeople with MS. So I began searching MS overthemoonabout). Wedreambigandnonprots and reading about each of their hope to partner with more like-mindedprograms.WhatstoodoutabouttheMS organizations so that we can grow, and in turn,Focus is that they support people living with help more and more people by supportingMS right now. From my own experience, in great organizations like MS Focus. my own family, there are a ton of things that Ideally,IwouldlovetoseeHomesteadcould be done to help people today and that Handcrafted and MS Focus look back at theis my main focus. I reached out to MS Focus start of this program and say, look at howbecause I like what the Foundation is doing many people we were able to help and howevery day to help people who are living with MS. many others we can and will help in theWhat do you think will be the most future.Together,coeecanandwillbechallenging part of this project? changing lives!How can people order the coee?Ibelievethemostchallengingpieceof Folks can buy coee on our website at:thisprojectwillbegettingpeopletogive www.homesteadhandcrafted.comwiththeHomestead Handcrafted coee a try. We are discount code MSFOCUS.creatures of habit and to change one's habitscan be challenging, especially when youre Considering Organizing a Local Fundraiser?talking about coee. However, I do think that Team MS FOCUS: Friends, Family, Co-Workers and Youif people are given that chance to help others A Winning Combination for Successand get a quality cup of coee, they will bemore apt to giving us a try because of whatwe stand for.What are you learning from this project?Join community members across the country dedicated to raising muchneeded funds for expanding the Multiple Sclerosis FoundationsWe are learning that all great things take programs and services through local events. Share your ideas whethertime. Relationships are not built overnight large or small. Well also show you what has successfully worked forand good communication is the key to building others. Help make a difference in peoples lives and have fun doing it.Contact: Rob Beasleya strong program. Education and getting the at 800-225-6495 or emailword out about our program is a bit more rbeasley@msfocus.org.challenging than we thought.41 msfocusmagazine.org"