b'Life with MSJJoobbOOppppoorrttuunniittiieessffoorrPPeeoopplleewwiitthhMMSSA survey conducted in 2015 showed that, percent. It was also noted that the disabledafter retirement, the second highest reason for population had an unemployment rate of 8leaving the work force was having a disability. percent,morethandoublethatofpeopleFor people with multiple sclerosis, leaving their without disabilities.job could be the result of physical or cognitive It is important to understand how thechallenges, depending on their duties and their bureau identies people with disabilities.symptoms. When talking about leaving a job The survey used six questions to determine ifbecause of disability, there is an important fact someone has serious challenges with:that is too often overlookedwhile someoneVision may no longer be able to perform their specicjob, that does not mean they cannot performHearing any job.Concentration, memory, and/orEarlier this year, the Bureau of Labor decision-making abilitiesStatistics released a report detailing labor forceWalking and/or climbing stairscharacteristics for the disabled community.Dressing and/or bathing themselvesThe data was compiled from populationPerforming errands, such as visitingstudies that collected information from more a doctor, without assistance.than 30,000 people with disabilities. The rstsentence of the report shares the big numbers, While the reports overall numbers might beThe employment-population ratiothe discouraging for some, there is a much biggerproportion of the population that is employedstory. Here is a pair of interesting statisticswas 19.1 percent among those with a disability. from the report: 10 percent of workers with aFor comparison, the employment-population disability are self-employed, and 31 percentratio for those without a disability was 65 of workers with a disability were part-timemsfocusmagazine.org 18'