b'earnings. A directory of Employment Networks disability benets. If you earn under $1,220can be found at www.yourtickettowork.com per month (the established cuto for SGA fororbycalling866-968-7842.Onethingto 2019) or $2,040 per month if you arekeep in mind is that, while individuals are considered blind by SSA, you will not need toparticipating in Ticket to Work, the SSA will worry about your disability benets ceasing.not conduct a reconsideration of disability However, if your earnings are greater thanstatus or medical review. theseamounts,youwillbeconsideredAnother important resource that individuals employed by SSA and benefits will ceaseshould consider is the Work Incentives following your trial work period.Planning and Assistance Program (WIPA), An important note: Whether you receivewhich was created under the Ticket to Work SSDI or SSI, it is very important to let Socialprogram. WIPAprovidesfreebenefits Security know about your work activity andcounseling for individuals receiving SSI or wages earned. A benets counselor or TicketSSDI. Individuals are educated about the to Work service provider can help explain theeffect of work on their benefits and other reporting requirements and help you withprograms,suchasSection8housingand reporting earnings to Social Security.SNAP food benets. These programs exist ineverycommunityandprovidesupportin Impairment-related work expensesnavigating the rules and regulations of Social Impairment-related work expenses allowSecurity in order to successfully return to the individualstodeductexpensesthatareworkforce. necessary for work. Let us suppose that BridgetTrial work period requires accessible transportation that is notFor individuals who want to test out their covered by her new employer. In this case,ability to work and still receive benets, the Bridget would be able to deduct thesetrial work period presents an excellent expenses from her gross income, therebyopportunity. The trial work period allows for reducing the likelihood of reaching her SGA.nine months of unlimited earnings in a ve- Plan for achieving self-supportyear period before benets are discontinued.The nine months arent required to be For individuals receiving SSI benets, theconsecutive months, so this provision gives Plan for Achieving Self Support is a workindividuals a chance to stop and restart incentivethatincludescreatinganwithout any penalty. As of 2019, any month individualized plan to meet specic career-in which earnings exceed $880 is considered related goals. For example, if an individuala qualifying month that is counted against requires more education or specic skills forthe nine-month trial work period. a job, then the individual will be allowed toSubstantial gainful activity (SGA) set aside income and resources to meet thatgoal. However, according to the SSA, a caveatIf you are receiving SSDI, you are probably exists in that the goal must be a job in afamiliar with the term Substantial Gainful professional setting that will produce enoughActivity. SGA is the amount of monthly earnings income to decrease the reliance on SSIusedtodetermineeligibilityforfederal payments.27 msfocusmagazine.org'