b'Life with MSFFiinnddiinnggPPuurrppoosseeaannddMMeeaanniinnggAAfftteerrEEmmppllooyymmeennttCChhaannggeessLearning to see post-working life as a new phaseBy Brad McDanielsPurpose and meaning social interaction, participation in meaningfulPsychologists have long maintained that activity on a daily basis, development of a workfinding meaning and purpose in life are identity, and feelings of having contributedimportant to psychological health and tosomethingbiggerthanoneself,amongwell-being. Viktor Frankl noted that there is others. Most adults spend at least half of theira human need to seek purpose and meaning wakinghoursonwork-relatedactivities,in our lives. Although Frankls idea seems making work the single most time-consumingsimpleonthesurface,identifyingones task in their livesand they spend muchpurpose can prove challenging.more time working than in any other life role,including that of spouse, parent, or friend. What exactly is purpose? Richard Leider So, when a disease like MS affects jobdefined purpose as the alignment of anindividuals unique gifts, passions, and values performance, it threatens not only the personsinto meaningful activities. While ones career economicandsocialstatusbutpersonalprovides meaningful activities, and is often identity as well. When the decision is made toone of the key contributors to ones sense of leave the workforce because of MS, many arepurpose in life, life after leaving the workforce left with trying to identify other passions andcan represent a time for people to pursue purposes (e.g., creativity, service to others) totheir true purpose.ll the void created by exiting the workforce. The role of work We know from research that the majority ofFor most of us, work is an integral part of people with MS, who had been working, leaveour identity and purpose. People work for a the workforce prematurely and voluntarily.variety of reasons, including the obvious Yet they often do so without a plan for what tobenefits such as a paycheck, health and do next. To the extent possible, it is importantretirement benets, and nancial security. to spend some time planning life after workBut work is usually about more than the before leaving employment. Talk to peoplebottom line. It relates to self-esteem, self-worth, (healthcareandmentalhealthproviders,feelings of contributing to society and being family, and friends) about your plans, andpart of a larger organization or company. The seek out the resources you need to makehealth and psychosocial benets of working decisions about how you will engage yourselfare well established and include such things as in meaningful activities. msfocusmagazine.org 24'