b'Life with MSFinal thoughts counseling will help SSI and SSDI beneciariesFor individuals like Bridget who receive make wise choices about whether or not theySocial Security disability benets, the desire should go back to work.to return to work is a positive indication of TTiicckkeettttooWWoorrkkcommunity engagement. In fact, more than Remember:90 percent of individuals with MS have workedat some time in their lives. A job provides not * All SSDI and SSI beneciaries can benetonly nancial incentives, but also contributes from the Ticket to Work Program. to an individuals self-image and provides an *For an individual living with MS andopportunity to make a meaningful contribution receiving SSDI, work incentives includeto society. When a diagnosis of MS appears the substantial gainful activity level, aand threatens employment or presents a trial work period, and impairment-setback, rest assured that there are programs related work expenses. set in place by the SSA that can help you try outemployment without worrying about losing *Individuals receiving SSI can utilize workincentives from the Plan for Achievingbenefits. Taking time to understand these Self Support. programsandparticipatinginbenefitsmsfocusmagazine.org 28'