b'We also know that some of the most education, both online and through localfrequently reported reasons that people give colleges, universities, and county extensionfor leaving employment include MS symptoms services. This may also be an opportunity to especially limited mobility, fatigue, and get yourself more involved in your communitycognitive problems. It is important to realize through volunteering or advocacy work. Thisthat, after leaving employment, the symptoms may be a good opportunity for you to take upand barriers that kept you from working will some new hobbies or revisit past hobbies, orstill be there and may still create challenges to resume personal projects or past interestsparticipating in your life the way you would you had prior to employment. There is alsolike. It is critical that you continue to seek an ever-increasing number of social mediawaystoremain engagedinproductive, sites, both general and MS-specic, that maymeaningful activities and to maintain your serve as resources for meeting new people,own health and wellness in ways that work sharing your experiences, continued learning,for you, but it is also important to realize and remaining engaged. The important thingthat it may take some time, and some help, to is to continue to interact with other people forget going in this new stage of your life. supportandengagementina waythatismeaningful to you.Purpose after work Approaching leaving work as an opportunityFindingmeaningandpurposeafter to challenge yourself in new ways andleaving the workforce is important to the pursue goals that you previously hadnt hadmaintenance of psychological and emotional time for can result in viewing life after working,well-being. Finding new ways to contribute in not as a loss, but as an exciting new phase ofa meaningful way not only helps to maintain lifeone that can be centered around yourimportant parts of ones identity, but also helps individual interests and abilities. The importantto maintain a schedule that requires daily thing, from a mental and physical health andparticipation. In other words, by remaining well-being perspective, is to maintain oractive participants in life and nding new ways develope new social relationships and keepto make and maintain social connections, the on moving.health benets of working can be maintainedby establishing new goals and routines. Whatmost people who have stopped working missmost about their working lives is not the money, Tell us what you want to see init is the social relationships, the camaraderie, MS Focus Magazine.and the feeling of contributing and purpose.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.org What will be your role in the community or write to: Editor, MS Focusafter working? Perhaps working in a dierent 6520 N. Andrews Ave.,way is an option (e.g., part-time work or workfrom home). There are also ever-increasing Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309opportunities for accessible continuing25 msfocusmagazine.org'