b'Life with MSgets a percentage of your product sales, and you directly benefits them. This mightyou are required to purchase your products venture into unsolicited phone calls, texts,from the person who recruited you. oremails,andthisshouldraiseserious Purchase required to join. If you are required concerns.to purchase the product youd be sellingImpossible promises.MLM recruiters typicallybefore you can join the team, that is a have a promising hook. I know a personserious red ag. Also, if the job requires you who makes a million dollars a year doing to buy large quantities of products and store this. Or Youre your own boss and you setthem yourself, that is another red ag. your own hours. These are nothing morePressure to join. Since MLMs thrive on the thansalestacticsdesignedtomake yourecruiting process, someone might aggressively think that the opportunity will be easy and ptry to get you to join, because recruiting make you successful. Passive IncomeOne of the big buzz words from the last few years has been passive income. While thiscan be an excellent way to earn money, with varying levels of effort, it is important tounderstand what it actually is, because the term is a bit misleading. The name suggests thatpassive income is money that you earn without much eort or involvement, but that oftenisnt true. In a traditional work model, you are paid for the hours you work in a given week.In a passive income model, you are not paid for the hours you work, but instead earn money over time once the work is completed. Here are a few examples: Owning a rental propertyThis is one of the most popular forms of passive income.If you have the means to purchase an apartment, condo, or home, and then rent thatproperty, you will be earning money every month. And now, with the rise of serviceslike AirBNB, you are able to rent out something as small as an extra room in yourhome. InvestingUtilizing high-interest savings accounts or other banking options can be asafe way to earn passive income, but are typically long-term plans. Turn a hobby into a businessIf you create jewelry, t-shirts, or other items, severalwebsites exist where you can create a digital storefront and sell your items. These sitestypically have low start-up fees and take percentages of nal sales, which means yourcosts would stay low. Blogging/VloggingIf you start a blog or a YouTube channel and grow your audiencelarge enough, you can monetize your site or videos. This example requires a lot ofup-front eort, though, since you will need to commit to regularly producing content.msfocusmagazine.org 20 1'