b'Hot TopicsSShhoouullddIISSttaayyoorrSShhoouullddIIGGoo((NNooww))??MMSS::WWoorrkkiinnggaannddRReettiirreemmeennttBy Jerey N. GingoldWithmyMRIimagesandcognitive you to speak to an informed person regardingassessment report in hand, my neurologist youremploymentoptions. WhetheritisaexplainedhowMShadcompromisedmy trusted friend, signicant other, an attorney,cognitive and physical functions, leaving me or an HR person, understand your rights fordisabled and unable to work. He explained employment accommodation(s), before makingthat chronic meant permanent disabilities. any irreversible moves. The employment rug was yanked out from While exploring your options to remain atunder me and there would be no holding onto work, dont ignore the MS challenges and riskmy career. unfavorable job reviews leading to terminationAs far as facing my cognitive impediments is or worse. Seek accurate information regardingconcerned, I already understood that important job expectations and avoid being blindsidedknowledge and details were escaping me. I through denial. Choosing retirement is a veryexperienced a daily mental fog and a noticeable dicult decision, true. Isnt it better that youloss of presence. Familiar locations, directions, address it and protect your benets, ratherand faces were often confounded and obscured. than being shown the door, perhaps withoutMy ability to recall and process information retirement and health insurance options?was compromised, resting on fractured and Since you may not be able to undo MS-missing pieces of reason. Medical opinions compelled life decisions, focus on makingconrmed that MS was causing information informed choices. Own your retirement choices.recall to be challenging and unreliable. (Arent It is not the same for everyone, so be carefulyou glad that I dont y airplanes? I am.) when considering what others may have done.Fortunately, I knew enough to see that Your work requirements and MS limitationskeeping it all to myself wouldnt help me are unique for you.preserve my career or strengthen the bonds Retirement allows you to re-consider andwith family and friends. Being open about identify your real priorities. Once you havemy MS cognitive and physical challenges did. retired, be cautious about lling the time. ForTo better cope with MS, I accepted this reality example, dont feel obliged to leap into the rstand re-prioritized my life. When MS damaged request to volunteer. Commit thoughtfully,my mental and physical well-being, it was time leaving exibility to develop more choicesto re-chart the future for our family. There were that will come your way. Be cautious not toothers to consider and choices to discover.atter yourself by accepting the rst, second,or even the third request for your time. MakePerhaps you will land in the MS contemplating the right connection for your interests, skills,retirement continuum? If you are still working and MS life, while saving time and energy forand MS is making it dicult to function in your your medical and exercise regimen. With MS,job (cognitively, physically, or both), I encourage meaningful volunteering also requires pacing.msfocusmagazine.org 22'