b"Life with MSFMLAs denition of serious health condition For your privacy, be aware that theseis more inclusive than the ADAs denition of conditions should be maintained in yourdisability. FMLA leave can be utilized in several workplace: (1) leave requests should be processedways. It can be utilized for unforeseeable by a designated, knowledgeable person socircumstances, such as an exacerbation of that discussion with your supervisors andMS. It can also be used for a planned absence, coworkers is limited; (2) only supervisorssuch as an elective surgery. FMLA also allows should be notied and only of limited factsthe 12 weeks to be used in various ways. For related to the circumstances of your leave;instance, individual days may be used for and (3) records related to your medical leavedoctor appointments. must be maintained in a le separate fromIn an unplanned event, the law requires your personnel records. For more informationyou to notify your employer as soon as possible. regarding FMLA, please go to:For a planned absence, the law requires you www.dol.gov/general/topic/benets-leave/fmla.to provide a 30-day advance notice. Once An MS diagnosis is not necessarily the endyou have submitted your leave request, your of your career. Knowing the rights, benets,employer has two business days to respond. and privileges aorded to you through theIf your employer doesnt respond within two ADA and the FMLA can enable you to workdays, you are automatically eligible for your with your employer toward a mutuallyrequested leave. There are forms that your productive and beneficial professionalemployer may request you have completed relationship for many years to come.by your medical provider. For those of you who no longer work, whatdo you do to keep a sense of purpose?Josephine Jose: I'm trying to stay distracted with schoolworkin a way, it conrms the fact that I canstill have a passion for my future despite my MS holding me back!Grace Boatrocker: My new job is taking care of myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.David DArcy: When I was first diagnosed, I could still drive, so I drove to the local MS group inSoutheld, Mich. Did odd jobs for them, helped with MS walks, etc. Then I'd volunteer at a nursing homebecause there was always someone abandoned by their families. As the years went by, my ability todrive dried up. But my wife still worked (she's a speech-language pathologist), so I'd clean the house,dust, do dishes, laundry, or sleep if I was too tired. Today, I belong to a couple of MS blogs. One isspiritual, so we can pray for each other, one is for veterans because the VA is almost impossible tonavigate, and this one. After 16 years, a person with MS has a lot to write about, has gathered a lot ofinformation, and they usually know where the answers are, so they can send the links.Ida Home: I live to serve humanity in my area as a medical case manager to get care for individualswho live with disabilities of various types. My doctor tells me I should get paid, but I do it for satisfaction.msfocusmagazine.org 16"