b'Life with MSGod Bless My CaneBy Sandra Rose Krug Many years ago, when I was just a bubbly, tucked away into a tote bag. I was grateful forhealthy, blonde teenager, I often spotted people the gift, but I certainly did not need a cane.using canes. Many were bent-over, elderly Little did I know at the time what a blessingfolks, and I often thought, Oh, you poor soul; that gift of a cane was. At the time of mybless you, when I observed them hobbling diagnosis in 1988, there were no treatmentsdown the sidewalk or trying to navigate their for multiple sclerosis. Now almost 30 yearsway onto a bus. after my diagnosis, a cane is a necessity, notIn my blissful, nave, young life, I thought of a fashion accessory. them as just old or feeble, never acknowledging Consequently, I never leave home withoutfor a minute that could be me someday. my trusty cane. A cane is my lifeline to get meFast forward about 25 years and I was to places. I would have trouble navigatingdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis when my without it.babydaughter wassixmonthsold. Atthe I have several canes today and I alwaystime of my diagnosis, I looked neither old nor keep a spare in my trunk, in case I lose thefeeble and I certainly didnt need a caneor cane I left the house with. I have a few of theso I thought. In my mind, I still looked pretty aforementioned shiny black ones that foldgood, despite my diagnosis of MS. I was still up, but I have also added a shiny blue one towearing my beloved spiked heels and still my collection, along with two that stand upmade the rounds of my favorite shopping on their own. And one even has a built-inmalls without missing a beat. Obviously, I ashlight! And on particularly rough days, Iwas still getting around just ne, thank you. break out the cane in my trunk and use twoMy prop of the day at that time was a baby canes to get around.stroller, when pushing my infant daughter. Thankfully there are now many treatmentsAnd that is why I was a little surprised and for my relapsing remitting MS, includingmystied when a family friend gave me a injections, oral medications, and infusions,cane. which were not available at the time of myIt was a pretty neat cane actually, as far as diagnosis. I believe the lack of treatments forcanes go. It was shiny, black metal with a nearly10yearsprobablyexacerbatedthecurvy black handle and it arrived folded up progression of my MS.in a clear plastic pouch that could easily be I started on once-a-week injections in 1999,msfocusmagazine.org 52'