b'ContributorsMalachy Bishop is the Norman L. and Barbara M. Berven professor of RehabilitationPsychology in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Educationat the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a certified rehabilitation counselor.He conducts research on the employment and psychosocial aspects of livingwith MS, and the processes of adaptation to chronic Illness.Aundrea Gee Cormier has a masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and isa Ph.D. student in Counselor Education and Supervision at Kent State Universityin Ohio. Prior to her return to academia, she enjoyed a 30-year healthcarecareer, including 20 years as a certified therapeutic recreation specialist inBillings, Mont. Jerey N. Gingold is an MS advocate and internationallly acclaimed author ofthe award-winning books Facing the Cognitive Changes of Multiple Sclerosisand Mental Sharpening Stones: Manage the Cognitive Challenges of MultipleSclerosis.Deborah Lee is a doctoral student in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychologyand Special Education at the University of WisconsinMadison, and a formerspecial educator. Areas of research and interests include looking at ways to improveeducation and employment outcomes of youth in transition, employer practices inhiring individuals with disabilities, and working with underserved communities. Brad McDaniels is a postdoctoral research fellow at Virginia CommonwealthUniversity and a certied rehabilitation counselor. His research focus is thepsychosocial aspects of MS and Parkinsons disease, particularly how the non-motor features of PD aect community participation and quality of life.Phillip D. Rumrill is a professor of rehabilitation counseling and director of theCenter for Disability Studies at Kent State University. His research interestsinclude the career development implications of disability, workplace discrimination,psychosocial adjustment to MS and other chronic illnesses, and traumatic braininjury. Stuart Rumrill is a doctoral student in the Rehabilitation Counselor Educationprogram at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a certified rehabilitationcounselor. His research interests include employment and psychosocial aspectsfor people living with MS and TBI, postsecondary outcomes for transition-agedyouth with disabilities, and substance abuse disorders.msfocusmagazine.org 6'