b'Life with MSWWoorrkkiinnggWWhhiilleeRReecceeiivviinnggSSoocciiaallSSeeccuurriittyyDiissaabbiilliittyyBBeenneettssDStaying Active and Getting Paid for itBy Deborah Kim Lee and Phillip D. Rumrill, Jr. For some individuals with MS, receiving a Ticket to workdisability payment from the Social Security For people with MS who are trying toAdministration (SSA) each month provides understand the pros and cons of going backwelcome stability after living with the to work while receiving SSDI or Supplementaluncertainty of MS and leaving the workforce. Security Income (SSI) benefits, there areThis is the case for Bridget, who has has been programs, set up by the SSA, that oer workliving with MS for 15 years. She describes her incentives to assist in doing exactly that.experiencesofstrugglingtondeective These include the Ticket to Work program. medications after being diagnosed, leaving According to the SSA, the goal of the Tickether job because of fatigue and pain, and to Work program is to help promote greatereventuallylivinginrotatinghomeless independence and decrease reliance onshelters.Afterthetediousanddrawn-out disability benets by assisting beneciariesprocess of being found eligible for Social in obtaining employment. This is a voluntarySecurity Disability Insurance (SSDI) benets, and free program that allows SSI and SSDIthe payments have helped Bridget rent her beneciaries a choice of employment services,ownapartment,coverfoodexpenses,and vocational rehabilitation services, and otherpay for an adapted bicycle so she can get to servicesthatmaybenecessarytofindappointments instead of waiting for unreliable employment. This program comes with notransportation in her small town.risk of losing Medicaid or Medicare coverage. However,Bridgethasrecentlythought Individuals with disabilities can chooseabout returning to the workforce after nding to assign their tickets to an Employmentmedication that has stabilized her condition. Network (EN), which will help arrange andShe finds the rules and regulations of the assist in selecting services that will help withSocial Security Administration to be utterly employment. SSA will pay approved ENs whenconfusing, and she is fearful of losing her the ticket holder maintains employment andbenets. Bridget is not alone in this confusion. reaches various levels of employment andmsfocusmagazine.org 26'