b'Life with MSVVoolluunntteeeerriinnggiissffoorrEEvveerryyoonneeDid you know that volunteering can benet take on tasks that dont require any specicyourhealth?Researchhasshownthat knowledge or skills, but do need someonevolunteering lowers the risk of depression, with time and a willing attitude.can decrease your awareness of pain, and You may wonder, though, if you werehelps you stay physically and mentally active, unable to maintain employment, why wouldimproving your overall health. One study found volunteeringbeanydifferent?Fatigue,that volunteers live longer than nonvolunteers. cognition, and mobility problems that interferedVolunteering can help you feel productive, with your employment arent necessarily thecreate social connections, and give you a hindrance to volunteering that they are in thefeeling of satisfaction. workplace.VolunteeringoftenallowsyouBut after leaving the workforce because exibility that traditional employment does not.of disability, some people may question While some volunteer opportunities maywhether they have what it takes to volunteer. require a set schedule or a xed number of hours,If you cannot work, what could you have to some do not. Some volunteer opportunitiesoer as a volunteer?do not even require leaving your home! The answer is, a lot. Being unable to work HHoowwttooCChhoooosseeaaVVoolluunntteeeerrRRoolleedoesnt erase the knowledge and experience First, you need to nd volunteer roles inyouve gained in life or in your career. Sharing your area. Check out these great websites: what you know as a mentor, advisor, or peercounselor can be an invaluable gift.Idealist.orgin the search bar, selectYou may also have skills that didnt apply volunteering. This allows you to search byto your employment that can be put to good keyword, interest or skill. useasavolunteer.(JimmyCarterdidnt VolunteerMatch.orgStart by enteringswing a lot of hammers in his role as leader your ZIP code. You will be prompted to join,of the free world, but after the presidency, he but its a simple, free process. Then you willhas used that skill to build many homes for be able to lter the results by local or virtualHabitat for Humanity.) Or perhaps you can volunteer opportunities, or by cause.msfocusmagazine.org 34'