b'MS Focus ActivitiesMS FocusedNMSEAM 2020 Theme AnnouncedIm Visible is the theme for the upcoming National Multiple Sclerosis Education andAwareness Month in March 2020. Next years National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month theme encouragesthe MS community and the general public to stand up and be seento be recognized for whothey are and what they want, and to visibly show their support for the MS causeand celebratesthose individuals and organizations that have brought MS into the public eye.Im Visible puts a focus on making others see your needs and opinions, making sure someoneis able to speak on your behalf who respects your needs, and engaging in medical researchand political advocacy.Order a Copy of Our New Childrens BookMS Focus is proud to announce our second children book: AlongCame Jae: A Conversation about Service Dogs for people with MS.Written by Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence, and illustrated by Niah Soulttheteam behind our rst childrens book, A Conversation About MSthis newbook was written to help answer questions and clarify points regardingliving with service dogs, while teaching more about living with MS. Youcan order a free copy of the book by calling 888-673-6287 or emailingsupport@msfocus.org.MS Focus at Sea to set sail in 2020Our 2020 cruise is headed to Alaska! This seven-night cruisefeatures three exciting ports of call and endless opportunities for fun,education, and inspiration. While daily activities will be focused onwellness, the cruise will also boost camaraderie, support, and helpyou get outside of your comfort zone.We will spend seven days exploring the most beautiful places inAlaska, including the Alaskan Dawes Glacier, all on board CelebrityCruise Lines Celebrity Solstice. The cruise boards from Seattle onMay 29, 2020, and will sail to Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway.Along the way, well have educational and motivational programming that will help you takehome something better than souvenirsnew strategies for living better with MS. For moreinformation, contact MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation at 800-225-6495 or emailcruise@msfocus.org. To make a reservation, contact Elda at 305-666-1010, and reference groupnumber 7027854.msfocusmagazine.org 44'