b"MS Focus ActivitiesGiving Back:Coee That GivesWhen Michael Monaco started the coee and harder for them has been hard. Nothingcompany Homestead Handcrafted, his goal in this life is guaranteed, not even our health.was to produce a quality product at a fair price I often ask myself What if it were me? Whatand be able to make a living while working if I woke up one day and could no longer dofrom home. But his brother Shawn, who has MS, the things that were once so simple, such ashad lots of ideas about expanding the brand. tying my shoes or buttoning my shirt. WouldMS has taken his career, made everyday life I want someone to help? To think that therevery challenging, and stole parts of him that are so many other people in this world beinghe will never get back, said Michael. This aected in the same way or worse is morewas the rst time in a long time I saw him get than enough motivation to help.genuinely excited about something. What made you decide to use your productSince the moment Shawn became involved, to help people with MS?he also became the companys biggest promoter Witnessing the change in my brother, Iand Homestead Handcrafted turned into a knewthefocusofthebusinesshadtofamily business. Michael said their business change. This could no longer be about meis starting to give back to Shawn some of what and my family; it had to be about helpingMS took away. It feels good to be a part of othersandbecomingabrandthatpeoplesomething again, said Shawn. Now the would be proud to support. Its a brand thatbrothers are dedicated to giving back to the would still produce a quality product at a fairMS community. Michael gave us insights price, but would also become a part of some-into what motivates them. thing much bigger. Homestead HandcraftedWhat inspired you to help people with MS? was the vehicle that I had been searching forMy brother and aunt both have MS. Seeing to help me help others. Inspiration comes inhow this disease aects their lives everyday many forms, but I have to say my brother hashas been my inspiration. My brother is the inspired me to want to help people with MSoldest in my family and I am the youngest. and coee has given me that opportunity. Growing up, he was always there for me. He How will your project give back?always involved me in his life and let me tag The Coee Can Program is our new focusalong, even though I am six years younger. and the heartbeat of Homestead Handcrafted.Watching how MS has changed his life and Its very simple. When a nonprot joins thehis family's lives has taken a toll on me mentally programtheyareissuedadiscountcode,and emotionally. My family members are the which can be used by anyone who would likepeople who I hold closest to my heart and a discount on the coee. Once the customerhaving to watch MS slowly make life harder purchases one of our products using thatmsfocusmagazine.org 40"