b'employees. These numbers tell us that, even or shifting to a part-time role. Be sure to exhaustwhen unable to perform a more traditional all possible avenues to stay employed beforework role, people with disabilities still want to leaving your job because of MS symptoms orwork, and some are nding ways to do it outside disability.of that mold. And one particular way doesnt Being forced to leave your job can cause aeven require you to leave the house. nancial burden, but the emotional eects itDuring the past several years, telecommuting can have on you can also be signicant. Justor work-from-home jobs have become quite remember, there are resources out there tocommon and the eld continues to rapidly help you. The websites mentioned here arentexpand. Many companies, from Amazon and the only options for nding job listings online,Apple, to Hilton, Kaplan, and Nielsen, oer and there are almost always other avenues towork-from-home opportunities, and some are explore as well. At a local level, there may be aeven specically for people with disabilities. community career center or a neighborhoodIfyouarelookingtogetbackintothe small business that needs help. At the federalworkforce, or are looking to transition from your and state levels, the Office of Disabilitycurrent job, here are some specic resources Employment Policy can provide informationthat might assist you in your search: on vocational rehabilitation agencies in yourstate that may be able help you. GettingHired.comThis is a job board At the end of the day, if you want to workwebsite that specically assists people with and are willing to transition into a new role,disabilities in connecting with inclusive there are options that can help you nd a jobemployers despite your symptoms. MyEmploymentOptions.comThis websitespecializes in helping people who are currently Beware MLMsreceiving SSI or SSDI to nd employment It is an unfortunate truth, but there are NTIcentral.orgThe National Telecommuting people out there who want to take advantageInstitute is a nonprot that has been around of you. If something sounds too good to besince 1995, and they assist people with true, it typically is. Be very diligent in your jobdisabilities in finding work-from-home search and aware of potential scams. Multi-employment level-marketing companies are an excellent Landajob.orgThis nonprot works exclusively example of something to avoid, since MLMswith people with disabilities and helps them are often little more than rebranded pyramidreceive reimbursements for work expenses, but schemes. Here are some signals that a jobalso provides resources to help you nd a job. opportunity is actually an MLM scheme.If you are currently employed and yourLow-quality product with unfounded claims.MS symptoms are pushing you out the door, For example, if a nutrient shake is marketedalways start by asking your employer about as a cure, that should be the rst red agreasonable accommodations that will allow that a business isnt trustworthy.you to continue performing your job in spiteRecruitment-focused business model. Manyof those symptoms. If you already have MLMs focus on recruiting people rst, andaccommodations in place and things are still selling a product second. Under this model,worsening, consider asking to telecommute the person who recruited you continually19 msfocusmagazine.org'