b'MS Focus ActivitiesFaith AgauasSterling Heights, Mich.My daughter, Rebecca, is 35 and has lived with me through myentire MS journey. She has helped take care of me while puttingherself through two degrees and working. She says its her mission tomake sure I have the best life possible and she believes the reasonwhy she was put on this Earth is to help me. We are very activein the MS community by attending educational dinners, walks,and other events. Rebecca does almost everything around the house.While I try to do the small things to keep active, she has taken overgrocery shopping, laundry, cooking, and everyday cleaning. It is a lotof extra pressure for her to take on. I would love to give her thisdinner and show the world what she means to me. Shes not just my daughter. She is my bestfriend, my angel, my support, and my inspiration. Judy Johnson:Hartly, Delaware My sister Joyce Biddle is a very special person. She isstrong for me. She keeps my head up and encouragesme. She made me a wooden cane and painted WonderWoman on it! It inspires both of us. Never give up, only goforward! She helps me hold my head up and to be positiveeven on those rough days. She makes me smile. In April2019, she was diagnosed with cancer. We are ghting ourbattles together and no doubt we will win. Congratulations to our other winning recipients:Laura Young nominated her husband, Tim.Valery Finney nominated her parents, Greta and Valentino Monti. Lori Saord nominated her two sons, Anton and Matthew. Vanessa Vijil nominated her grandmother, Mary Lou Gonzales.Maureen Fahey nominated her daughter, Moira.msfocusmagazine.org 32'