b'Cutting loose from draining and otherwise if they aect others. Do not underestimate thetoxic tasks may also be a great path to manage eect of leaving a career behind, but relish theyour MS symptoms, but dont swap it out for opportunity to do more, even with less. Insteada dierent burden. Prioritize and learn to say of being perceived as retiring, leaving the workthank you for the opportunity, but I cant commit force can be seen as a new level of productivity,to that right now. It is a skill to save your energy if you are prepared.and focus on what matters, like your health. Takeaways:Practice conserving your energies, while showingappreciation for being asked to be involved. 1. Asking for help is strength, not a sign ofThere is a bit of good news. Whether you weakness. If struggling to tread water, therelearned from a technical school, high school, is nothing wrong with requesting a tossedor institutions of higher learning, MS does not life-preserver. When you were diagnosederase the education and degrees. (Unfortunately, with MS, Ill bet that you werent told to dealit also doesnt erase any lingering student loan with it on your own, so dont. Stubbornnessdebt.) While the knowledge may be slower or doesnt prove anything, especially in retirement.more dicult to recall, it should not be erased 2. Contact MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosisbecause of MS. There are successful cognitive Foundation, and other relevant organizations,copingstrategiesthathaveallowedother who oer the resources and direction forMSers to use portions of their skill set for retirement planning, including: tax planning,other purposes, even on a voluntary basis. budgeting and various forms of counseling.Never walk away from your experience, 3. MS is not temporary. Since there isnt a cure,but maybe retool pieces to help others who yet, be prepared to move forward with yourwill benet from your knowledge. For example, life instead of hanging on to matters thatwhile fundraising welcomes you to ght MS, drain your daily reserve of physical andso does writing and speakingsharing your cognitive energy.story with the MS community. You have 4. Identifyyourskillsetandvolunteertoprobably learned some of lifes pitfalls and shareyourknowledgeandexperience.successes. Chances are that an organization There may be many requests to ll your(whether it is religious, educational, physical, time through various service activities. Beartistic, or intellectual) would welcome your selective with your time and energy,insight. What have you always wanted to do identify a passion and avoid rash decisionswith one of your skills? Now can be the time accelerating MS fatigueto connect it with one of your passions. Throughout the retirement process, seek 5. If you face MS cognitive challenges (andout individuals for your network, whether a the majority of us MSers do, at some point)trusted professional or friend, who can assist then be sure to have a trusted person reviewyouinorganizingaretirementtransition. your post-retirement budget and plans. Unreliable cognitive functions can also be a bit An extra point: Be thankful to those whonancially dangerous. It calms my mind to have are trying to help you and dont think of thema safety person to rely upon when making as obstacles, but a bridge to a safe retirementsignicant life planning decisions, especially harbor.23 msfocusmagazine.org'