b'Play on WordsLeveling the Playing FieldTom, Ben, and April each spoke to a consultant at the Job Accommodation Network by usingAskJan.org. The consultant helped them understand their rights under the ADA and the processfor requesting accommodations, and encouraged them to look at these accommodations notas special treatment, but as leveling the playing eldallowing individuals with disabilitiesthe same access to employment that the non-disabled have. With the help of the consultant andthe tools on the JAN website, each person was able to nd the appropriate accommodation fortheir symptoms and type of work. Use the grid and clues below to gure out which job, symptom, and accommodation eachperson requested. Write yes in the box that applies to each person, and no in the boxes thatdont apply. Use the process of elimination to help you solve the puzzle.Tom Ben April CluesJob 1. Tom is not artistic. Graphic designer 2. Ben is dropped o at work by paratransit.Customer service rep 3. April works in healthcare and has noMedical assistantcognitive issues.Symptom 4. The graphic designer has diculty walking.Decreased mobility 5. The person with cognitive impairmentnds it improves with rest.Fatigue Tip: Keep in mind that each option is only usedCognitive impairment once. So if April has a symptom, Tom andAccommodation Ben do not.Each person has one job and oneCloser parking space symptom, which requires one accommodation.Periodic rest breaks When the puzzle is solved, there should bethree boxes marked Yes under each personsModied work space name, and six boxes marked no.Solution to last issues puzzle -Tools for AllUCMSI vocal and/or instrumental compositions MUSIC EEINLRSCEIthe ability to bounce back RESILIENCEATBGHRINEinhalation and exhalation BREATHINGTRAENUthe world outdoors; green spaces NATUREPEESLa state of deep restSLEEPRGITUAEDTThankfulness, conscious appreciation of the positives in lifeGRATITUDEHTEURGALAn audible expression of amusement or good humorLAUGHTEREISLNFMUNSDThis meditation technique keeps you in the momentMINDFULNESSTSROUPPyou can nd this in a group, or receive it from friends and familySUPPORTYHBBOan activity done for pleasure in your leisure timeHOBBY63 msfocusmagazine.org'