b'Life with MSBy Kathryn BradburySupport groups oer a safe place to discussHelp you focus on what you can dothe challenges that MS gives you each day.Share tips and tricks to help you get throughSharing your feelings with someone who is even the toughest daysin the same boat as you is not only therapeuticbut can also prove to be enlightening andFind ways to stay positive in the journeyimprove your overall emotional well-being.through life with MSThe MS Focus Independent Support Group Anyone with MS can start a support groupNetwork has 200 groups across the country, and become a leader. Healthcare professionalsall of which provide the opportunities to have or care partners can also start or aliate athese interactions. MS Focus has always supportgroupswithus.ThroughtheMSrecognized the important role support groups Focus Independent Support Group Program,providepeopleliving withMS,theircare support group leaders receive personalizedpartners, family, and friends. attention, ongoing support for their meetings,The goals of our aliated support groups and many types of unique assistance are to: including materials for meetings and resources Be educational and encouraging for member recruitment. Connectyouwiththelatestinformation If you are looking for an existing supportabout MS group to join, would like to start a new group, Give you an opportunity to share stories want to aliate your current support group,and experiences with other people who will or if you have any questions, please contactunderstand our Support Groups Department at: Inspire you to discover new strengths and supportgroups@msfocus.org or by callingabilities you didnt know you had 888-673-6287.Please welcome these newly aliated groups:MS Highrollers Support Group, PittsburghNorth Garland MS Support Group, Garland, TexasPell City MS Support Group, Pell City, Ala.Persons of Color with MS Support Group, MinneapolisThe Things We Deal with MS Support Group, Smyrna, Ga.Please visit our website at www.msfocus.org for the meeting dates,times, and locations or to nd the support group nearest you.msfocusmagazine.org 50'