b' Belladonna alkaloids speak with your pharmacist. In many cases, Fesoterodine (Toviaz) medicationregimenscanbechangedto Solifenacin (VESIcare) minimize cognitive problems. For example, Darifenacin (Enablex) administering medications at certain times Propantheline (Pro-Banthine) of the day, such as before bedtime, may helpMedications that cross the minimize cognitive issues. blood-brain barrier Pharmacists may also be able to simplifyAny medication that crosses the blood- treatment regimens to avoid additionalbrain barrier has the potential to decrease confusion. This can be accomplished bycognition. Psychoactive drugs, antidepressants, suggestingmedicationsthatcanbegivenand anticonvulsants can cause acute states of once daily rather than multiple times per day,confusion. In addition, nonpsychoactive drugs screening for therapeutic duplications, andsuch as histamine H2 receptor antagonists suggesting medications that can be used to(used to reduce stomach acid), cardiac treat more than one symptom.medications, and antibiotics may cause acute If you are experiencing cognitive impairmentand chronic cognitive impairments.(or have a complicated medication regimen),It is important to note that not all patients you may want to consider having medicationsexperience cognitive impairment as a result blister-packed or using a weekly device toof these medications. Compared to young dispense medications. There are also reminderpeople, elderly people are more likely to apps available on Google and the Apple Storedevelopcognitiveimpairmentbecauseof that alert you when it is time to take medications.medications. Generally, patients susceptible Additionally,takecautionduringtheto cognitive impairment with one medication summer to limit physical activity and timeare more likely to experience it with other spent outside in the heat. It is important tomedications as well. recognize signs of fatigue early, and to takeAdvice from the pharmacist sucient breaks to prevent overexertion andIf you are experiencing cognition challenges, worsening of cognitive function.61 msfocusmagazine.org'