b"but I looked forward to the development of cane?Possibly,butifnot,Iwillcontinueoral medications. I was ecstatic when one was using a cane. And that is okay.approved in 2013. When a new medication That teenage girl that still lives inside mewas approved in 2017, I was fortunate to be will never admit to being feeble or old. I feelapprovedforthislatesttherapy.Formeit very blessed that 30 years after my MSheld out the promise of actually improving diagnosis, I am still walking. A little slowermy condition, as some patients who received perhaps, but I am still walking. I just need athe drug in trials actually showed improvement little help sometimes. Thats why I say, thankof their symptoms.God for canes. I dont know where Id beCould this treatment free me from using a without one.For those of you who no longer work, whatdo you do to keep a sense of purpose?Monya Grin Barnes: I do group exercise Monday thru Friday (Silver Sneakers)! I love getting out andinteracting with other people each morning.Carol Fulkerson: Advocacy for accessibility and compliance with the ADA, as well as federal funding,research and legislation.Shawn Duy: Ongoing education, and hobby classes.Crystal Vallandingham: I knit baby hats to donate to the local hospital.Joyce Steiner: I knit and crochet. Helps with boredom. Sew.Robert Rodocker: MS took my ability to work back in 2013. For the rst year, I was denitely having apity party for myself. After that I decided I can no longer sit here and do nothing. At that point my wifeand I had lost everything, because when you're in your thirties they tell you that you can't work anymore,we weren't prepared for any of that. So we lost everything, cars, housewe had to move back in withher parents. Then I came to the realization that I'm no good to my family if I just let myself rot away.So I volunteered at Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan. I volunteered at our local dance studio, not to teach,mind you, but just to help do oce work as much as I could. I did that for a few years until ministryhappened. Now I go around to skilled nursing facilities or assisted living facilities and teach a Biblestudy and hopefully be an inspiration to others. Because I want to share my story my struggles witheverybody and hopefully they can see that no matter what MS tells you, or tells your body that you canor cannot do, you can overcome it all.Facebook Feedback is your chance to share your experiences related to topics covered in theMS Focus Magazine. Like our Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/MultipleSclerosisFoundation andwatch for our next Facebook Feedback post.Request to join our Facebook group at Facebook.com/groups/msfocus.53 msfocusmagazine.org"