b'The PlacesYoull GoTransportation Grant ExpandsIn 2012, MS Focus launched a pilot program for transportation assistance. Less than a yearlater, the program was such a success that transportation assistance was added to our AssistiveTechnology Program, allowing nationwide assistance with paratransit rides and minor vehiclerepairs. While the program was successful at meeting some of the MS communitys specicneeds, there were still limitations that we were unable to overcome. Until now.During the past few years, with the rise of rideshare companies, we found a solution to helpovercome those limitations. Because paratransit services often cant cross county lines, weteamed up with Lyft to oer rides to and from infusion and neurologist appointments. In Feb.2019, much like the programs roots, this new branch of the program started out as a pilot programin South Florida through the University of Miami. But, just like back in 2012, the program hasbeen a huge success and has quickly grown to serve MS communities across the country. Sincelaunching the program nationwide on June 1, 2019, MS Focus has been able to fund more than454 rides across 21 states. (Fun fact, the longest ride that has been funded thus far was inVirginia and was a whopping 148 miles round-trip.)Now, less than a year after its launch, we are expanding the program again. In order to qualifyfor Lyft rides, you must be able to self-transfer in and out of a car, and any assistive devices youhave must fit in the cars trunk. Because these limitations exclude a portion of the MScommunity, we have reached out and partnered with another big name in ridesharing, Uber.Uber has a larger eet of wheelchair accessible vehicles, and will be able to accommodateclients with wheelchairs in: New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Phoenix,Chicago, and Washington D.C.MS Focus is constantly looking for ways to innovate. The rapid growth of our transportationprogram is a testament to our commitment to nding new and better ways to serve the MScommunity, but it is important to note that without collaboration with the University of Miami,Lyft, Uber, and Genentech, this program wouldnt be nearly as eective as it is now. Together,we are all committed to helping you get where you need to be.Transportation through Lyft is available wherever Lyft is active. Ubers accessible services areavailable in limited markets. To apply to the MS Focus Transportation Program, call our toll-freesupport line at 888-673-6287 or visit us online at msfocus.org/Get-Help.This program is made possible with support from Genentech, Biogen, Lyft, and Uber.45 msfocusmagazine.org'