b'Life with MSI mpprroovveeImMMoovveemmeennttCCoonnddeenncceewwiitthhSSeennssoorryySSttiimmuullaattiioonnBy Dr. Emily Splichal, DPM, MSWhether we consciously realize it or not, commonsymptomsassociatedwithMS.we all want to move better, feel stronger, and They are a large contributor to instability andstay pain-free. We all seek the ability to do the fall risk. The most common eye complicationsactivities we enjoywhether that is going for include: a long walk with a loved one or running in aoptic neuritisinammation of the opticlocal 5K. nerve that can cause pain and temporaryFor those living with multiple sclerosis, if loss of vision your balance is compromised and you livediplopiamore commonly known as doublewith a fear of falling, that can prevent you vision, and can occur on one or both eyesfromparticipatinginthemovementsyounystagmusrapid, involuntary eye movementsonce loved. Balance impairment is one of the that aect vision and depth perception, butmost common movement symptoms associated also balance and coordination with MS, with peripheral neuropathy and footinternuclear ophthalmoplegiaone eye isdrop further adding to a sense of instability.slowertomakeleftorrightmovementsCurrent movement science research and than the other, resulting in blurry visionproduct innovation provides new approaches when looking left or right.for improving stabilization and enhancing Our eyes which are designed to move andmovement confidence, thereby enhancing accommodate for light, provide us the sensoryquality of life. This article will focus on how detail about our environment, and allow usapproaching balance and movement programs tonavigateduringdynamicmovement. Afrom a sensory perspective can oftentimes be decrease in visual acuity has been associatedthe most eective. with impaired balance and delayed accuracyBelow are the top three sensory stimulation in motor patterns.pathways, along with simple exercises that A 2018 study showed the benet of integratingcan be used daily to optimize balance and eye movement exercises and visual stimulationstability for those living with MS. in improving balance for those with MS. TheSensory Gateway #1Vision study that focused on the BEEMS (balanceVisionproblemsaresomeofthemost and eye motion exercises for MS) integratedmsfocusmagazine.org 46'