b'MS Focus ActivitiesCaregivers Night Out Contest2019 WinnersWhile November may be best known for changing weather, Thanksgiving dinner, andshopping sprees, it is also recognized as National Family Caregivers Month. For many in the MScommunity, their lives would be vastly different, and more difficult, without a caregiver.In 2002, MS Focus wanted to do something special to celebrate caregivers across the country.Because everyone loves getting a little spotlight to brag about their loved ones, we asked ourreaders to tell us about everything their caregivers do, and how much they mean to them. During the past 17 years, we have received thousands of submissions about theunconditional, life-changing care and support that has been given by wives, husbands, parents,children, siblings, friends, and neighbors around the nation. This year was no dierent.Caregivers deserve praise year-round, but this November, make sure you let them knowjust how much you care about them and appreciate the things they do. And, if given the chance,be sure to brag to the world about how amazing your caregiver is.Here are some excerpts from the letters submitted by our 2019 winners, who will receive agift card for dinner with their caregiver to their choosen restaurant.Robyn SkorupaDowagiac, Mich.My husband, Corey, is my caregiver. We were dating when I was first diagnosed in 2002.He stood by my side through all the testing and horrible results. Twenty years and two kidslater, were still together! Married 10years now and I love him more thanhe can even imagine. He works asan electrician and thats not easy. Imso proud of how he takes care of ourfamily when Im unable to work. Heis the strongest man I know. He hashad to carry me and a baby up twoflights of stairs for months after I lostcontrol of my legs. He is the besthusband, father, and caregiver anyonecould ask for.msfocusmagazine.org 30'