b'N O W A P P R O V E DPROVEN RESULTS WITHNO MORE THANMAVENCLAD is therst and only short-course oral therapy for relapsing forms ORAL TREATMENT DAYS A YEAR of multiple sclerosis.OVER 2 YEARSWhat is MAVENCLAD?MAVENCLAD is used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include relapsing-remitting disease and active secondary progressive disease, in adults. Because of its safety pro le, MAVENCLAD is generally used in people who have tried another MS medicine that they could not tolerate or that has not worked well enough.MAVENCLAD is not recommended for use in people with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). MAVENCLAD may cause serious side e\x1f ects.Treatment with MAVENCLAD may increase your risk of developing cancer. You should follow healthcare provider instructions about screening for cancer. Because of the risk of fetal harm, do not take MAVENCLAD if you are pregnant or of childbearing potential or male able to father a child and not using e\x1f ective birth control.Do not take MAVENCLAD if you: have cancer (malignancy), are breastfeeding, are human immunode ciency virus (HIV) positive, have active infections, including tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B or C or are allergic to cladribine.TO LEARN MORE TALK TO YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER.You can also visit mavenclad.com or call 1-877-447-3243.Please see Important Safety Information, including serious side e\x1f ects, on the following pages.'