b'Austrian neurologist and Holocaust survivor, Frankl also famously said, Everything canreected on this subject, saying the meaning be taken from a man except one thing: theof life diers from man to man, from day to last of human freedomsto choose onesday, and from hour to hour. What matters, attitude in any given set of circumstances, totherefore, is not the meaning of life in general, choose ones own way.but rather the specic meaning of a persons If you are at a crossroads in your workinglife at a given moment.life, we hope this issue will help you chooseIf your circumstances have changed, what your way, and navigate the path once you do.meaning can you nd in this given moment? Together, lets nd better days.P.S. If you missed last springs teleconference with Tony Coelho,listen at msfocus.us/ADA2019Dear Amy,We are so glad that this program has easedthe strain on you and your family. Situationslike yours are the reason we launched thepilot program for this type of transportationlast year, and the program was so well-receivedthat within just a few months we made thenecessary adjustments to launch it nationally.Dear MS Focus, With the launch of the national programIdontthinkwordscandescribehow being so recent, you may be surprised to heargrateful I am for the MS Focus Transportation that we are expanding it again. The need forProgram. I live 85 miles from the MS center this type of transportation is so great, we areand other neurologists I see, and it is always now making this service available anda challenge to nd a ride. Right now one of accessible to even more people with MS. (Learnmy kids or my husband has to miss work to more in the article on page 45.) You could saytake me to appointments, which is a nancial that developing this program and keeping uphitforeverybodyinanalreadystrained with the need has been quite a ride!budget. Now MS Focus is providing me a wayto get to my appointments with Lyft. One of Dear MS Focus,my biggest fears was how I was going to get to Thanks for the Summer 2019 issue ofmy appointments down the road when my MS Focus magazine (Taking Care of Yourkidsmoveaway.MSFocushasliftedthis Emotional Wellness, Vol. 21, Issue 3). This wasfear! Thank you so much! such an enlightening subject for me and eachAmy Hendricksonpage was very educational. As mentioned,9 msfocusmagazine.org'