b'Unless you live in one of a handful of to help with traction outside. There are plentytemperate states, the chances are high that of DIY options for makeshift snow tires. If youyou will experience some degree of winter use metal canes, crutches, or a walker, makeweather. For some people, that might mean sure the feet are rubberized and textured sohaving a jacket with them for a few months, they wont slide. Try to replace worn feet withbut for others, it might mean icy walkways, new ones. If you have outdoor ramps, makeheavysnowfallanddangerouslylow sure they are kept clear and use ice melt ontemperatures. Because parts of the country them.have already started to make the shift towardwinter weather, here are a few tips for making Shovel snow. For snow storms that are lesssure you stay safe and prepared for the next serious, but still drop a lot of snow, make surefew months. you have a plan for clearing your walkwaysStay warmbut not too warm. Whether anddriveway.Whetheryouaskafamilystaying inside or venturing out, dress in easy- member, neighbor, or friend, have a plan into-remove layers. This way, you can remove place to get your areas cleared in a timelyextra clothing if you nd yourself becoming manner.too warm, and wont risk heat sensitivity Stock up. Keep flashlights, water, andaggravating your symptoms. Thermal garments nonperishablefooditemsonhand.Makeare typically a great choice as a rst clothing sure any prescription medications you havelayer no matter the situation. Keep blankets are filled and they are kept in an easilywithin reach throughout your home. Even accessible space. when piling on layers to venture outdoors,make sure the effect on your mobility is Space heaters. A small heater can be a bigminimal. help for some people, but make sure to followWinterize. If you use a wheelchair or a safetyinstructions.Alwaysturnportablepowerchair, make sure it is well maintained, heaters o when you arent using them for anand even think about investing in snow tires extended time to avoid hazards.29 msfocusmagazine.org'