b'30 Yearsof the ADAHow do things stand today? Alan R. SegaloExecutive DirectorLast March, MS Focus had the privilege of their rights under the law, and how to standhosting a teleconference with the Honorable up for those rights. To help you do so, this issueTony Coelho, former Congressman and the features articles about when and how toprimary author of the Americans with Disabilities disclose your disability at work, the rights youAct. Reecting on why he felt the ADA was have under the ADA and FMLA, and thenecessary, Mr. Coelho pointed out that prior to programs that allow you to work when receivingthe law, people with disabilities had no legal disability benets.protection against discrimination. Restaurants, But what if you reach the point where outsidemovie theaters, and other public places could work is no longer feasible for you? Articles insimply turn away people with disabilities if it this issue also explore self-employment andwasinconvenienttoaccommodatethem. work-from-home opportunities, and the benetsEmployers could legally discriminate against of volunteering. people with disabilities by choosing not tointerview or hire them, or ring individuals Some people consider volunteer work lessthat became disabled, even if they were still meaningful than employment. From myable to perform their duties. Before the ADA, perspective as the executive director of aMr. Coelho said, people with disabilities had nonprofit organization, I can tell you thatno civil rights. volunteers are critical to our ability to accomplishNext year will mark the 30th anniversary our mission. Without our volunteer networkof the ADA. How do things stand today? The of support group leaders, fundraisers, writers,ADAhasbroughtaboutgreatprogressfor advocates, and social media contributors, ourthose of us in the disability community, but work would be greatly diminished. Words cannotexpress how much we appreciate their help.not enough. We can do better, Coelho said. Whether you have paid employment, areHe explained that only 34 percent of adults volunteering, or your work is to take care ofwith disabilities are employed, and people your family or your health, the most importantwithdisabilitiesaremorelikelytolivein thing is to have a reason to get out of bed inpoverty because of an inability to get a job.themorning,apurposetogiveeachdayClearly, discrimination still exists. So its structure and meaning. People often struggleimportant for people with disabilitiesor who whentherearechangesintheirabilitytomay develop disabilities as a result of a chronic work, because then the structure and meaninghealth issue like MSto fully understand in their lives change too. Viktor Frankl, anmsfocusmagazine.org 8'