b'daily eye movement exercises for improved brain, the vestibular system is the rst sensorysensory integration and brain balancing. system to develop in utero. This sensory systemIt is suggested to integrate ve minutes of the is critical to how our brain and body relatesfollowing exercises into your daily routine.to gravity.* Vision Stimulation #1Eye Tracking In MS, vestibular disturbances typicallyThis exercise may be done seated or present as vertigo, balance disorders, and thestanding, depending on your level of stability. presence of nystagmus. When considering theBegin by holding your nger out in front of eect of potential vestibular disturbances, ityour face, about an arms length away. Slowly is important to understand if the disturbancemove your nger up, down, and side-to-side is in the peripheral or central vestibular system.in front of you, moving just your eyes along The vestibular system can be divided intowith your nger. Try not to move your head two main systems: the central system (theand remember to hold a soft gaze as you do brain and brainstem) and the peripheral systemthis eye exercise. Perform for 30 seconds (the inner ear and the pathways to the brainstem).with each hand.A 2008 study found that vestibular disturbances* Vision Stimulation #2related to MS were disruptions in the peripheralPeripheral Vision Trainingsystem, with a higher prevalence in femaleForthisvisionexercise,sitsomewhere patients.comfortable where you can see something in Below are three vestibular exercises whichthe distance. As you look into the distance, can be integrated into any balance program. start to wave your hands quickly to the side of * Vestibular Stimulation #1Head Turning your head to notify your eyes that yourperipheral vision exists. Do not look at your Similar to some of the exercises for thehands waving, keep looking into the distance. visual system, vestibular training will involvePerform for one minute. turning the head with the eyes. Start in a seated* Vision Stimulation #3or standing position. Turn the head and eyesSaccade Trainingto the left, spotting an object. ImmediatelySaccades are rapid movements of the eyes turn the head and eyes to the right, spottingthat abruptly change the point of xation. another object. Continue shifting the headAgain this exercise may be performed seated and eyes from the left to the right for 20or standing. Start by looking straight ahead. seconds. Rest and then repeat, but this timeOnly moving the eyes, look to the left and looking up and down. Rest again and thenspot an object. Immediately look to the right perform the exercise on a diagonal. and spot another object. Keep moving the * Vestibular Stimulation #2Sit to Standeyes to the left object then to the right object, Start seated in a chair that you canslowly picking up pace. Perform for 20 seconds. comfortably sit on the edge. Fixate your gazeRest. Repeat three times. on an object directly ahead of you. HoldingSensory Gateway #2Vestibular thegazeshiftfromaseatedpositiontoa(brain stem and inner ear)standing position, and then slowly return toOften referred to as the gateway to the the seated position. Repeat 10 times. 47 msfocusmagazine.org'