b'AllForGood.orgEnter your city or ZIP Money: Make sure you consider any costscode. Use the advanced search to choose local and how they will aect your nances. Willor virtual options. you have transportation costs to get to theYou can also consider calling local facilities volunteer site, or need to eat meals out? Arethat almost always need volunteers, such as:you expected to provide your own supplies Libraries or incur other expenses in the role? Will thoseexpenses fall within your budget? Schools Inclination: Volunteering is most satisfying Not-for-prot hospitals when you care about the cause and enjoy the Museumstask. Whatissuesarecloseto yourheart? Community gardens What activities do you enjoy? Is there a rolethat will combine the two? Also think about Food pantries what is special about you. Do you have a skill Homeless shelters or hobby that could be put to good use? Do Animal shelters and sanctuaries you have specic education or job knowledgethat could be shared? Are you a leader, an Historic sites organizer, or a great supporter? Considering Support groups these things will help you nd the volunteer Mentorship programs opportunity that will be the most fullling.AWhenchoosingavolunteerrole,think ARRoolleeffoorrEEvveerryyAAbbiilliittyyTMItime, money, and inclination.No matter what your level of ability, thereTime: Consider how much time a particular is a tting volunteer role for you. It doesntvolunteer opportunity will take you. Are there take much physical ability to read a story ata xed number of hours required, or a set the local library for childrens story time. Youschedule?Willyoubeabletospendthat dont need sharp cognitive skills to work in aamount of time without fatigue, or without community garden. You dont need to be ableinterfering with your MS care? Does the role to leave the house to share your knowledgeoer exibility for times when your health in an online mentoring program. Whateverinterferes? If you are volunteering outside the challenges MS brings, you can use what youhome, how much transit time will be involved, have to benet yourself and others throughand what transportation needs will you have? volunteering.Have Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions, opinions and feedback.Reach us at editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495, or use the contact formon www.msfocus.org.35 msfocusmagazine.org'